Help Center
Sales Pipeline Report
The Sales Pipeline Report is a complicated form for sales managers to filter through all sales and have a report created. The screen has multiple filter options, and several of the calculations for the report may take a significant amount of time to calculate.
- Jobs Started – Standard date selection range filter. It filters against the First Clock in Date on a job.
- Include complete – Filters on the Jobs Complete column.
- Build Type – Limits the report to a single build type.
- Job – Limits the report to a single job.
- Sales Group – Limits the report to Jobs that are in the selected sales group
- Custom – Build types classified as “Custom”
- Customer – Customer owned jobs.
- Internal – Velocity owned jobs (VROwned = true)
- Package – A list of standard packages. One or more can be selected by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on package types.
- Include Trim Color – A wild card search. It will match any word(s) that are typed in against all the various Trim and/or color options.
- Export to Excel – Creates and opens an Excel spreadsheet using the selected filter conditions.
- Run Report – Opens a printable report using the selected filter conditions.
- Help button – Once clicked, User will be redirected to the Help documentation website for this report.
The output report will be formatted as shown below: